
Friday, December 16, 2011

And There Was Much Rejoicing

Good morning, Reader. It's a very good morning! What, you don't believe me? Let me prove it:

1. The auction Magick for Terri raised a staggering $71, 327 for Terri, Tilly, and her family.

I won a beautiful Bordertown necklace that reads, "A true story, Elfland." I like that because I'm fixated on the idea of the true story (I don't mean what the history books tell you, I mean the real story in your heart) and also I just love the word Elfland. It makes me think of my favorite book The King of Elfland's Daughter.

Also, my cookies raised $90!!!!!!!!!! Ninety dollars for cookies! And the recipe. And some other little surprises which have not yet been accumulated. As my mom told me, "You better make it really special."

Yes, Mom, thank you. She didn't say, "Wow, that's amazing, I'm so proud of you." She was concerned that I was going to disappoint the bidder, the person who willingly paid that much for cookies.

No, my family is totally not hard on each other or ourselves. Why do you ask?

2. I actually worked on my novel yesterday! That hasn't happened in possibly three weeks. It's been really getting me down. Yesterday afternoon I did some cutting and rearranging and then I reorganized the chapter breaks just to make myself feel better.

I love when your Beta is all, "Hmm, I'm just not sure about this....could you maybe change it?"
And you turn and look at the novel and the novel is hopping up and down and going, "HEEEREEEE! Change it heerrrreeee! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?"

The problem of course being that novels can't talk except in dreams and dreams are so easy to forget. Novel, next time just tell it to me in a dream about giant spiders. Better yet, have the spider tell me herself, all Weaver (Perdido Street Station by China Mieville) style.That will definitely get my attention.

3. ???????????

BAM! I bet you didn't see that one coming.

Whattup, Cute Hedgehog?

CH: Happy Friday, y'all.

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