
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Coming Attractions

Hi there, Reader. I have fallen off the blogging wagon lately, mostly because of my new job and because I'm desperately hoping to complete the YA revision of my novel before my 30th birthday which (EEK) is skulking and sighing on the other side of the new year.

This week, I'm determined to come back to you. Here's what you can expect from me today and later this week:
1. Highlights from  my trip to New York this past weekend, including a trip to the SECRET BOOKSTORE. (As a rule, secrets should probably never appear in all caps. Please read it as a hoarse, loud whisper.)

2. Earlier I introduced you to my Dashwood Book Reviews, but I've got a new idea: the One and Done. I have a pile of books glaring at me and demanding to be reviewed. I know exactly what I'd say to a friend if he/she asked me whether or not they should read this or that book. So why not just say that to you?

I'll be tearing through the book pile and reviewing each book in 1-3 sentences. If anyone out there wants a more thorough review, just comment on the forthcoming post and I'll happily oblige. Plan? Oh, we have one.

3. I have ONE MORE post up my sleeve from my previous life at the used book store in Vermont. Yes! One last book I've been holding back. I'll be sharing that with you this week. Maybe even today!

4. The long promised giveaway for Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Just in time for Christmas!

5. Gift Guide: Book and Gift combos for the readers in your life.

Methinks I've overextended myself. Well, I will do my best not to let you (or myself) down!!! Now, back to admission reading so I have time to blog later.

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